written by bulutlu


Clou.Uk BusinessFi Media Platform ClouFan opened.

In the Global Market Use our BlockChain infrastructure. Promote Your Company, Establish Partnerships. ClouFan is always with you. #blockchain #businessfi

ClouFan BusinessFi Platform started to grow in India soon after gaining recognition in Canada and the USA.

We continue to develop Defi, a Decentralized Cloud service.

We started adding the BlockChain chain to our platform infrastructure

ClouPlay.Com develops systems in the fields of Television, Mobile, Web, Closed Circuit.

ClouFan, as the main contractor of all our projects, is designed as the Main Platform providing user access.

The ClouFan Development API also works outside of ClouPlay systems.

You can use our API service, you can use our Television, web, Mobile, HBBTV services.

User access, market, Your Wallet, Advertisement, Event, BusinessFi Market options continue to be developed continuously.

Being Recognized in the Corporate Global Market It is our main vision for companies to introduce their companies and sell their products in the global market with short works in the fields of HBBTV, Television, Web, Mobile.

IOS and Ndroid App tests started.

Then, HBBTV will serve in 9 national television backgrounds in Turkey.

We continue to design the Video and Voice Communication Platform DEFi in a decentralized way.

Now we have reserved a staff of 6 for the ClouPlay team ClouFan.

Our Income Sources
Advertising, Special jobs, Event Events.
We have enabled the Professional Membership Monthly, Annual, Lifetime options.

ClouFan is created and developed entirely with the main resources of ClouPlay Company.

There are Country Distributorship offers for India and Germany, we are evaluating them.

Important Note: We will offer a special promotional price for ProductHunt with a Professional Lifetime Subscription.

We will share the ClouFan Token announcement very soon.
Clou.Uk. ClouPlay will be located within the main BlockChain chain.

When you start ClouFan membership, BlockChain starts interacting in your account.

Stay tuned and with love.

ClouPlay Team


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